Our Attorneys at Galey Law Office
At Galey Law Office, I have over 30 combined years of law experience. I have extensive experience in family law and real estate, and believe in giving our clients friendly, honest, professional advice and service. See our individual attorney profiles to learn more about me. Contact Galey Law Office today with any comments, concerns or questions.

B. Lynn Galey, B.Comm, LL.B Lawyer
Lynn was born and raised on a mixed farming operation in the Admiral area, a farm that she continues to actively run in addition to her legal practice. She attended secondary education in Admiral before attending the University of Saskatchewan. At the U of S, Lynn earned a Bachelor of Commerce in 1990, her Bachelor of Law in 1991 and was called to the Saskatchewan bar in 1992. She has practiced in Swift Current since graduating law school and joined Galey Law Office in June of 2016. She is a past President of the Southwest Bar Association, a past Director of Collaborative Lawyers of Saskatchewan as well as a member in the STLA and CBA. Lynn’s wide areas of practice include: family law, real estate, estate planning and estates, corporate law, civil litigation, and criminal law. When not in the office, Lynn spends time with her three children or can be found fishing or at the farm.